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Career Planning
"The decision you make about which career to pursue probably is, or will be, a major part of your life. It will affect where you live, your income, how much time you spend at home, your travels, and how you spend your leisure time."
What is Career Planning?
Career planning is a process, which includes choosing an occupation, acquiring the necessary education, getting a job, further developing yourself and skills while in your job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring.
The Process:
If you're not sure where to start, try using the steps outlined below.
Step 1. Self-Assessment:
"I don't know what I want to do. Is there a test or something that can tell me what career is right for me?" The answer is no. You can't take a test that will, as if by magic, tell you what to do with the rest of your life. You can however use a combination of self assessment tools that will aid you in your decision." Assessments are tools that help you discover important things about yourself. They identify possible careers based on different things - like your interests, skills, work values and personality - each contributing one piece of the whole puzzle. The assessments in MCP are geared to tap each of these 4 major areas.
Step 2: Exploration:
Before you make any big decisions, take advantage of the information that's available. This information can help you answer questions you have. What careers do you find especially interesting? How much education and training will you need? Where will you find the training you will need? Will you need a license? What skills will you need to develop? How much money will you make? One of the major outcomes during this stage of the process is that you will narrow down your options and create a general sense of career direction. Harnessing the power of US Department of Labor, FOCUS - one of the most popular online career planning systems used in colleges today, the US Department of Education, and ongoing research, MCP has developed one of the most extensive databases of information available to aid you in this process.
Step 3: Plan
The plan is nothing more than the roadmap which will get you from where you are now to where you want to be at a later point in time. Whether your plan includes going to college or searching for a job, MCP has all the tools you need to get you started.
Using MCP
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